




History of Steeton Hall

The present Steeton (Low) Hall was extensively rebuilt in 1662 and again in 1863, but originally dates from 1611. It is known that there has been a large house in or close to, the present site of Steeton Hall for over 800 years. It may be of interest to local historians to note the grand entranceway to Steeton Hall in the 18th & 19th centuries was from where the war memorial is now along the side of Steeton Beck.

From c1780 onward this carriage way that led to Steeton Hall began with some splendid Chinese-style gates. In 1819 Steeton Hall was bought by the Sugden Family from the executors of John Baynes Gosforth. The Sugden family leased the hall to several people, one of whom was Joseph Craven; it was Joseph who rebuilt about half of the property in 1863.

From 1904 Steeton Hall was bought by Samuel Clough (owner of a local textile mill and mayor of Keighley), who bequeathed it to his niece Miss Dorothy Clough, a girl guide comissionaire. When Miss Clough passed away the Hall went out of the hands of the Clough family and was bought by Mr Barry Robinson, around 1982, who converted it into a hotel.

Although the ownership has changed it has remained a hotel since then.



因為某些機緣而來到這間 "正統英式鄉村小居"

經由一翻舟車勞頓 -

早上6.30 從巴黎飛往曼徹斯特 (入海關時等超久的呀…)

-> 再由曼徹斯特坐火車到LEEDS


-> 到steenton火車站再走到 STEETON HALL

以上全程2大1小行李箱 (淚)

終於到"正統英式鄉村小居時 也已經是傍晚了

Receptionist 請我們先上3樓看看自已的房間,看看喜不歡~




到了3樓的房間竟發現行李已神祕地比我們先抵達了 (大喜)。。。







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